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Court Records-State of New Jersey

New Jersey Department of Corrections
Search for inmates in custody.

New Jersey State Criminal Records
Enter a name and select a county to begin your search of New Jersey state criminal records. Results will show date of birth, type of crime, date of sentence, jail or probationary sentence, and other information about the defendant. Click here to search federal inmates, past and present.

Public Employees in New Jersey
New Jersey public employees of colleges, authorities and local, county and state governments

New Jersey Death Records - 1962 to 2006

New Jersey SAT results
Find out how New Jersey students performed on their SATs.

New Jersey Property Sales 1996 through 2006

New Jersey Property Owners and Assessments 2006
Based on the 2006 MOD IV data, the state's list of 3 million property assessments, you can search by town, street, address, owner , part of a street name or owner name, or varying combinations. Ownership, of course, can change at any time. Check with your local county clerk's office, many of which are on the Web, for the most recent information.

Division of Consumer Affairs. Here, you can search for medical licences and all licenced professionals in one convenient site.
Some licenses are issued in the name of the business, not an individual. If you are searching for a business licensee (i.e., accountancy firms; architects and engineers certificates of authorization; barber shops; cemeteries; cosmetology and hairstyling shops; electrical contractor businesses; funeral homes; home improvement contractors; manicuring shops; pharmacies; public movers and warehouse men and skin care speciality shops), use the "first name" field and/or "city" field for your search. Do not use the "last name" field to search for a business licensee.

Motor Vehicle Records- ($)
State of New Jersey Record Search-direct
Driver History Abstract Request & Related Documents (See form for details and other fees*) Fee Uncertified and Certified $10 – Form ISM-21

State of New Jersey DMV site
Request a driver history abstract
Schedule a road test
Schedule an inspection
Pay parking and traffic tickets
Renew vehicle registration
Change youraddress
Order personalized plates
Pay restoration fees
Pay surcharge fees

New Jersey Complaint FORMS:
New Jersey Do Not Call complaint Form

State of New Jersey Lemon Law Complaint Form

New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners Online Complaint Form

Cyber Threat and Computer Intrusion Incident Report
This form may be used as a guide or vehicle for reporting cyber threat and computer intrusion incident information to the Computer Analysis and Technology Unit.


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