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Nicar Database Library

Nicar Database Library
A list of databases available for purchase through NICAR. Each of the below links leads to a description of the database. For each database, a record layout is available, as well as code sheets, when they are required. You can also download a 100-record data sample from each database.

FAA Enforcements: Since October 2001, IRE and NICAR have been in a FOIA request and appeal with the FAA regarding this database. We have been told at least portions of this database will become available again, but at the moment, the last complete copy of this database is dated August 2001. This is a database of FAA enforcement actions against airlines, pilots, mechanics, and designees.
FAA Service Difficulty Reports: A database of maintenance incidents collected by the FAA for the purpose of tracking repair problems with commercial, private, and military aircraft, and aircraft componentry.
FAA Accidents & Incidents: A database of mainly U.S. flights where there was an accident or an incident, including crashes, collisions, deaths, injuries, major mechanical problems or costly damages.
NASA Air Safety Reporting System: A database of anonymous reports of airplane safety submitted by pilots, flight attendants, air traffic controllers and passengers.
FAA Aircraft Registry: A listing of all aircraft and aircraft owners registered in the United States. This dataset also includes tables on registered aircraft dealers and individuals/companies that reserved the N-number for their plane.
FAA Airmen Directory: The FAA Airmen Directory is a listing of pilots and other airmen, including the type of certificate(s) they hold and their ratings. As a result of a new law that allows airmen to have their information witheld from the public, this listing is incomplete.
Transportation — Roads
DOT Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS): A nationwide database of fatal vehicle accidents.
NHTSA Vehicle Recalls and Complaints: A database of vehicle complaints, recalls, service bulletins and inspections.
DOT Truck Inspections: The Truck Inspections database contains data from state and federal truck inspections involving motor carriers as well as shippers and transporters of hazardous materials operating in the United States.
DOT Truck Census: This U.S. Department of Transportation database contains records on each company that has commercial interstate vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds.
DOT Truck Accidents: A database of accidents on U.S. roads involving a commercial vehicle weighing more than 10,000 pounds, including semi-tractor trailers, buses. The data for 1988-1999 also has information about hazardous material carriers.
Transportation — Waterways
Boat Registration: The database contains information on registered recreational and commercial boats.
Boating Accidents: The database contains information on recreational boating accidents in the United States.
Transportation — General
Hazardous Materials: A database of information on transportation accidents involving hazardous materials.
Election Campaigns
Federal Campaign Contributions: A database of all individual and political action group (PAC) contributions to federal election campaigns.
Medical Device Reports (MAUDE): A database listing medical devices that have failed, how they failed and the manufacturer information.
Mortality, multiple causes of death: The Mortality Multiple Cause-of-Death database contains detailed information found in standard death certificate records from the United States and its territories.
CDC HIV Surveillance Data: Contains details about AIDS cases reported to state and local health departments since 1981. Includes details such as age, race and location; names are not included.
FDA Adverse Events Reporting System: The FDA relies on the Adverse Event Reporting system to flag safety issues related to pharmaceuticals or therapeutic biological products (such as blood components), for further investigation.
National Practitioners Databank: This is the public-use version of the National Practitioners Databank. It contains information about doctors and other health care practitioners who have had medical malpractice suits filed or other disciplinary action taken against them, but it excludes their names and masks certain identifying details.
Public Safety
National Inventory of Dams: A database including dam location, condition, maintenance, and inspection reports.
National Bridge Inventory: A database of bridge maintenance information collected by the Federal Highway Administration.
Federal Firearms/Explosives Licensees: A listing of federally approved gun dealers across the country.
OSHA Workplace Safety Data: Ten tables, including one listing companies and inspection results, and three subordinate databases listing worker accidents, hazardous substance injuries and workplace violations.
FBI Uniform Crime Reports: Six databases of crime data gathered by the FBI from law enforcement agencies across the country.
Consumer Product Safety Commission: The CPSC dataset includes information about potential injuries, deaths and investigations related to consumer products. Some of the products include children's toys, bicycles, swimming pools, ATV's (three- and four-wheelers), sports equipment, hobby items, lawn mowers, hair dryers, playground equipment and many more.
Storm Events: This database is the official record of storm events in the United States, including tornadoes, hurricanes, tropical storms, droughts, snowstorms, flash floods, hail, wild/forest fires, temperature extremes, strong winds, fog, and avalanches.
Nuclear Material Events Database (NMED): The Nuclear Materials Events Database contains records of all non-commercial power reactor incidents and events, including medical events, involving the use of radioactive byproduct material.
DOE Campus Crime: 19 tables of crime data reported to the U.S. Department of Education by campus police and local law enforcement for each year.
Toxics Release Inventory: The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) consists of information about on- and off-site releases of chemicals and other waste management activities reported annually by industries, including federal facilities.
CERCLIS: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) database maintained by the Environmental Protection Agency contains general information on sites across the nation and U.S. territories including location, status, contaminants and actions taken.
Federal Contracts: A database of Individual Contract Action Reports (ICARS) created by the Government Services Agency.
HMDA: A database of home mortgage loan requests, information about the requesters as well as the financial institutions.
IRS Exempt Organizations: A database of information on tax-exempt organizations.
SBA 7a Business Loans: The database includes information about loans guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration under its main lending program, now known as 7a. The data include loans approved by the SBA since 1953, when Congress created the agency to help entrepreneurs form or expand small enterprises.
Wage and Hour Enforcement: The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor is responsible for the enforcement of several labor laws. The database contains information about the violations, penalties, and employers.
SBA Disaster Loans: The data contains information about loans made to businesses and individuals as disaster assistance.
SBA 8a Business List: This is a list of businesses approved for the Small Business Administration's program for small, minority and other disadvantaged businesses. Federal acquisition policies encourage agencies to award a certain percentage of their contracts to these businesses.
SEC Administrative Proceedings: Cases before the Securities and Exchange Commission administrative judges, who can issue cease-and-desist orders, hand out civil penalties, and bar parties to associate with investment advisers, brokers or dealers. Services Agency.
NAFTA Trade Adjustment Assistance: Databases include records of petitions by workers, companies and unions for assistance for those who have become unemployed because of an increase in imports or shifts in production to foreign countries.
Federal Spending
Consolidated Federal Funds Reports: A database of all federal money that goes to states, counties and local agencies, including Social Security payments, grants and direct loans.
National Endowment for the Arts Grants: A database of grant receivers, their projects, and the amount they received.
Federal Grants/FAADS: The Federal Award Assistance Data System, maintained by the Census Bureau, includes all federal financial assistance award transactions.
Federal Audit Clearinghouse: The Single Audit database is a great tool for journalists to examine local nonprofits and state or local government agencies that receive substantial assistance from the federal government.
IRS Migration: With the IRS migration data, you can track movement in and out of counties. Moreover, financial information in the data allows you to gauge whether your community is gaining or losing wealth.
INS Legal Residency: Information on the characteristics of aliens who immigrated and attained legal residency.
Social Security Administration Death Master File: Obtained from the National Technical Information Service this is most complete -- but not entirely complete and definitely not error-free -- listing of all deaths in the United States since 1937.


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